*** To ensure that you can view your voucher, be sure to use the latest updated version of your web browser.


  • Before you Join be sure to Update your browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.)

  • Be sure to start at our home page NHOHVA.ORG

(Some links through shared FB posts, Messenger, or emails don't work completely)

  • Gmail users should sign in using one click sign in with Google.

  • Comcast.net and some older emails may block the verification email.

  • Request email and sign in on the same device. This may take a few extra seconds to redirect.

  • Do not type your full zip code…Start to type your zip code then parse by clicking on your town in the drop-down list.

  • Business networks could have strict firewalls and block CC transactions.

  • If your town doesn't show up, choose the town that matches your zip, then email NHOHVA@GMAIL.COM, and we can update the voucher with the correct town.

Note: Two vouchers are provided Jan through April.

The current 25A voucher is good through April and the 26A voucher is for the upcoming 25/26 OHRV season starting May 1st, 2025.

** Vouchers are available anytime. Just sign-in and click RETRIEVE to download your voucher

To SIGN-IN you will need to put in your email address then go to your inbox and look for the noreply@NHOHVA email. Open the email and click the link to sign in to NHOHVA. This may take some extra time to load the page completely.

Once signed in, add membership to the cart and checkout. Input information, start typing the zip code, and choose the town/city from the list. Verify membership info to create your account.

Once paid you can retrieve your voucher anytime you are signed in by clicking RETRIEVE.

***Note: If you are using an Android phone, swipe down on the white screen to download again, then you will need to open using a different app. If you are on a computer using Chrome browser the document downloads but will not automatically open and you will need to open from Recent Downloads.

(Please note: Your Google Chrome browser may require an update in order to complete membership. Look for the three dots in the upper right of your browser, click help, then click about Google Chrome to update)

How to Join an Off Roading Club